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Crop Scouting with Sirrus Mobile
Crop Scouting with Sirrus Mobile

Using Sirrus Mobile to make scouting events more efficient and full of insightful data that can be leveraged in your business (4 min read).

Becky Smith avatar
Written by Becky Smith
Updated over a year ago

Used effectively, the scouting functionality within Sirrus Mobile can be a valuable addition to your in-field toolbox. Before getting started though, it is probably worth making sure you have your settings configured correctly for your preferred options, as there are some specific settings for scouting activities.

Using Sirrus in your scouting procedures

Whether this is your first time using Sirrus or you are familiar with the app, most people tend to set up a general scouting plan of where they need to visit or take a look at.

With a constant stream of NDVI imagery for each and every field in your Sirrus Mobile app, using the most recent imagery may assist you in planning which areas you may want to target and get on the schedule for visit.

Using the imagery to set up your scouting is simple – just select the approved image you would like to use for your scouting activity from the list under the Imagery Tile. The selected imagery map will appear on the screen. Tap on Options in the top left-hand corner, then Collect with Image.

An alternative method would be to start the scouting activity and then simply use Tools at the top of the map to load the imagery and go from there. Just use whatever method is easiest for you.

Point or Polygon?

In Sirrus Mobile, you have the ability to set your scouting activity to collect using either ‘point’ or ‘polygon, i.e. you can record observations against a specific geo-referenced location (point), or record an observation for a particular area of the field. This can be toggled for different scouting activities (though both cannot be used in the same activity together).

Editors tip: You can access the settings menu to toggle between point and polygon straight from your activity without having to close it down – just tap the options button at the top of your screen.

Either will let you convert your scouting activity straight into a product recommendation – a feature that is both time saving and shows clearly the process involved from scouting to application, should this information be needed later on. Using the polygon option is a great way to create a crop protection recommendation where only part of the field may require treatment.

Recording multiple observations & attributes in the same field

During your scouting activity, you will likely scout multiple points throughout the field. In Sirrus Mobile, you are able to record multiple observations of the same type referenced to the same dropped pin.

For example, if multiple weeds were found in the same location, these can be added by recording the first and then scrolling down to the ‘Add Another’ button.

Not only are you able to collect multiple attributes at the same point, you can also copy across observations from the previous point, if you are seeing the same thing as you move across the field. Think of the multi-select button as a kind of copy and paste.

Editors tip: Just remember “Tap, Tap, Drop”– tap on the pin with the data you want to copy, tap multi-select, then drop the pin.

Optional: Sharing information with Field Scouts

If someone else is doing the scouting for you, did you know that you can set the route you would like them to use and send directly to their app to follow in the field. Just tap on the Options in the top right hand corner and use Data Bullet (you will need their email address and sync ID to complete this). Any observations they record can be sent back the same way to update you on what was found, so you can take action.


(Please note: If they are operating Sirrus as part of your multi-user group, then you will not need to use a data bullet as the data will already appear in both apps).

Thank you for reading our short article about Scouting in Sirrus Mobile, we hope you've enjoyed!

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